Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 100663296 bytes exhausted…


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  • Anonymous

    I’m getting this error message in my archive: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 100663296 bytes exhausted

    I’ve tried increasing the memory limit, but once I put it up to 1024MB it seems to go into an infinite loop and kills my server.

    I’m using Roots Bedrock with Sage – wondering if that may be causing the issue?


    There are two memory limits that are set separately that impact on WordPress. The easy one to set is WP_MEMORY_LIMIT which is by default in WordPress set to 40M, but can be set in the wp-config.php file. I normally set it to 128M. More is really not necessary.

    Then, in PHP is also a variable called memory_limit. This must be the same or higher than the WP_MEMORY_LIMIT

    I am not sure why, but if you look at our plugin’s System Status Report it says it is showing WP Memory, but in fact it shows the PHP memory_limit setting.


    I’ve done a bit of code-digging, and I see that the problem is the custom meta data I’ve been working with is complicated, so the max/min detection was too intensive. I’ve simplified the filters and it seems to be working now. Thanks for your quick response!

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