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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro failed install, v2.2.0

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Tim Stevens

    Wordpress is up to date and my website was functioning correctly. Twice I tried to update my Search & Filter Pro plugin to 2.2.0, but without success. I get the message: “Update Failed: Plugin update failed”.

    Please help.


    Trevor Moderator

    It may then be necessary to do it manually. Download the 2.2.0 file from your account area, and then …

    1) Deactivate S&F in WP Admin Plugins page (do not delete, otherwise you will lose your search form)
    2) Via FTP, delete search-filter-pro folder from the wp-content\plugins folder on your server. If you wish to keep the folder, just in case, do NOT rename it, instead move it UP a folder into the wp-content folder.
    3) Unzip the file I will have sent to you.
    4) Upload the search-filter-pro folder to the wp-content\plugins folder on your server.
    5) Activate Search and Filter plugin in WP Admin plugins page

    Tim Stevens

    I have not received any emails, inbox or junk folders. (assuming you would send the file email) I double-checked my email address associated with my search&filter account, and it is correct.

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Tim

    As I said, you go to your account page and download it. Here is the link for your account page:

    Tim Stevens

    No, Trevor. You said to download the 2.2.0 file from my account area, “and then”… to unzip a file that you will have sent me (see step 3). WHAT is the file that you will have sent me? Because all I see is the latest release in my account area.

    There’s no need to get cheeky with a paying customer.

    Trevor Moderator

    My apologies for replying at the weekend, and again for doing that now, and for copying and pasting a reply that I had made to a different customer in my haste to offer you a solution.

    Are you saying that you cannot see v2.2.0 in your account area, or that it will not download? You are correct, I did not send it to you by email, as I do not have an email address to send it to.

    Tim Stevens

    I see v2.2.0 in my account area, and I have downloaded it. If that’s the only file that I need, then I can move on with the manual install. I was confused because it sounded like I was looking for 2 different files, v2.2.0 in my account + another file that you would send. But sounds like that’s not actually the case, and v2.2.0 is all I need.

    Thanks for the prompt replies. Enjoy your weekend and get some rest.

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