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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro exclude post ID's not working?

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  • frank schippers


    first of all: my compliments on your plug-in, great work. I was able to implement it pretty quick and the options for customization are great. I am stuck with one thing though: is the “excluding post ID’s only for posts? Or can I also get this to work on pages?

    And I also have a question: Can I filter on page content? I am using tags to filter on country, but I have another set (game developers) I want to be able to filter on (and/or) but I can’t add these in the tags because they will also show up on the countries filter of course.

    thank you,

    frank schippers

    I have to add something to my question, but I can’t edit my post: the filtering works except on the default state, so when I have not filtered yet, all pages are show on the result page, including pages that have no tags at all. Can I turn that off somehow?

    Trevor Moderator
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