Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Exact match and Ajax…

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  • Anonymous


    1. I have custom posts with a field called “Search Keys”. They can be “Food in Stockholm”, “Restaurants in Stockholm”,”Eat in Stockholm”.

    2. I want all of those 3 keys can be searchable, or more specifik, matched to just that post.

    3. Can i connect that field as an Ajax search and when a user start to type, it shows those alternatives among all others, but in this case, one of those 3, get to just this post?

    This is more like an exact match than a search to show results. I hope a explained it. Thanks // Mats


    Whilst I am not entirely sure what you want it sounds like you want a text entry search field to search just that one custom field, and for it to auto search (predictive) and therefore just a few characters would get the one term. Then did you want the results to load that single post/page instead of the normal results archive


    Yes, correct, load a post as a result 🙂


    I am sorry, but this is not possible with our plugin.

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