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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Error while having 2 search forms on 1 page (v.2.0.1)

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  • Jesús de la Plaza

    Hi Ross.
    I have one page with 2 search results (through shortcodes). It was working fine on earlier version, but once updated to v2 it does not work. No matter the order, the second on page displays “No search results”. If i remove the first, it displays the results.

    Is there something i’m missing? Maybe i need to configure something on each form in order to work together.

    Also, one quick question, do we still need the relevanssi plugin? I saw the option on advanced tab, but looks like v2 has its own cache system

    Thanks in advance.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Jesus

    Do you want to reply via email and send me login details so I can take a look?

    RE Relevanssi – its completely necessary if you want those features.

    We both have caching systems, but we are storing different information – S&F is storing all kinds of info associated with posts – to make the count system work well and quickly – whereas Relevanssi is storing keyword info used for the search box.

    Now S&F has a caching system, we can start to take some steps in this direction but its not really something I see happening for S&F when other plugins do this so well (I’m looking to add SearchWP support too which does something similar to Relevanssi).


    Jesús de la Plaza

    Hi Ross. Thanks for the quick reply.
    Ok about Relevanssi. Will be great to get rid of it on future versions (one plugin less is a must advice nowadays with WP), but not a priority. Relevanssi seems to be working just fine and not taking too much resources.

    Will be answering by email with the other issue.

    Thanks again.
    Great support, BTW! 😉

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