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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Error: There are 3 Search Forms set to use Post Type Archive

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  • BOUCHAIR Yacine

    Search is working but have an error message!

    Error: There are 3 Search Forms set to use Post Type Archive display mode for the post type Offres – you may only have 1

    Thank you for your help

    BOUCHAIR Yacine
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator


    The problem is there is a possibility that the 3 forms will conflict with each other, as they are all trying to control the same theme template(s) – that of the post type archives, and any category archives associated with that post type.

    But, they might not conflict and all will work OK. You need to test and verify that no issues exist.

    We recommend having just the one form. Where you need to show different fields on different pages, we recommend hiding the unrequired ones using custom CSS (display: none; applied to the specific fields, using classes found in the body tag of the page).

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