Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Error: May have only 1 search form per post type


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  • Anonymous

    I have multiple forms setup for a custom post type. My reasoning for doing this is that we need to display the form in one way on mobile (dropdown no combobox) and in another on desktop/tablet (combobox).

    If the user comes to the search page on mobile, they get the mobile version of the form. The issue that I am seeing in the backend is and error stating that we can have only one form per post type.

    Is there a technical reason for this error message or can we safely ignore in our circumstances?


    If it all works, I would ignore it it for now. BUT …

    … and this will change with V3 (due in a month or two), for now, when referring to the results page, having a cloned/duplicated form (having more than one instance of the same form), or multiple different forms, will potentially be an issue, as doing this can mean that they don’t work together and often will conflict with each other. Just be aware that this is possible (likely), so if you have problems with the results not working, that might be why. Normally, we suggest only one form instance on the results page.

    You CAN have more than one form on any page other than the results page.


    OK I do understand that multiple forms on one page would be an issue. In this case, we need the ability to have different form setups based on mobile vs desktop/tablet. For example, we need the combox on desktop/tablet and a dropdown on mobile. Is there a different way to achieve this?


    At the moment, this is not possible, sorry. It will be in V3, but not now. If you are using comboboxes, make sure you are using the Select2 script (it is a setting you can select in our plugin settings).

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