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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Error for search terms with apostrophe

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  • Pascal


    I am experiencing an error in the Search result
    when searching for a term with an ‘ (apostrophe) included.

    For example, we have an artist on the site called Romeo’s.
    When I type in Romeo’s in the Search box and click submit,
    then I will see Romeo\’s in the search box and the results show Nothing Found.

    Could this be fixed?
    The site is in Dutch where we use the apostrophe quite a lot.


    Ross Moderator

    Just sent you an update, let me know if it works.



    Hi Ross,

    thanks for the quick response!

    The \ does not show up now so that’s good.
    However the results page will still show Nothing Found.

    I am sure that the spelling is correct.
    If I search for Romeo’s, the results still shows ‘Nothing Found’.
    If I search for Romeo, the artist will show up in results.
    I have multiple artists with an apostrophe and the problem is the same for every one of them.

    Your help is appreciated.

    Ross Moderator

    Just sent another 😉


    Sorry, still the same problem

    Ross Moderator

    Ok will have to dig into this a bit more and get back to you.



    Solved with the latest version.

    Thanks a lot, great support.

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