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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Error activation plugin – WP not reacting

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  • ben hertl


    I installed the plugin and clicking “activate the plugin” will cause an error and WP reacts no more ans the screen gets just white. I can only work again by deleting the plugin/file per ftp.

    What can I do?

    Thanks for your help

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Ben

    Are you on a development environment? Do you have some login details (and ftp access to disable the plugin if I need to)?


    ben hertl
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Is this a development environment or a live site?


    ben hertl
    This reply has been marked as private.
    ben hertl
    This reply has been marked as private.
    ben hertl

    Hello Ross,

    you think I’ll get the plugin to work? I tried it again but always comes the error when I will activate it 🙁

    Ross Moderator

    Taking a look at this today

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Ben

    I’m not sure the issue is exactly but it seems like something in your environment.

    I enabled WP_DEBUG on your site to see if there were any errors, and I got a lot of errors coming through.

    You can find them in your wp-content folder in the file debug.log.

    Now, when you enable S&F – the error message that you receive is

    Fatal error: Call to a member function get_queried_object() on null in /mnt/webw/d0/98/56857798/htdocs/WordPress_07/wp-includes/query.php on line 42

    I’ve now disabled the WP_DEBUG again however you need to enable this and fix your errors.

    I can see some errors in there that are to do with out of date plugins / functions being used – so I think its likely that one of your plugins, or possibly your theme is causing some of your issues.

    So, to isolate the issue, I would first, disable all plugins, and then try to enable S&F
    If it still causes issues, I would try a different theme, and then try to re enable S&F

    And if that still doesn’t work, then I would try to fix all the errors in your site – as these may be the culprit.

    Just to let you know, you don’t have to delete S&F from the plugins folder, you can just rename the folder to get your site up and running again – it should be quicker to debug by doing this.


    ben hertl


    thanks for your help. I’ll do these steps and check what causes the problem!!


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