Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Error 504 when saving filtered posts

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  • This topic has 11 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous

    Good morning

    Saving the posts who are filtered is very slow. It appeares the following message: “Connection lost. Saving has been disabled until you’re reconnected. We’re backing up this post in your browser, just in case.” It ends up with an Error 504 (Gateway Time-out nginx) and the site (frontend and backend) is not accessible anymore for some time.

    When I switch off the Search & Filter Pro plugin everything works normal. I tried several things mention in the support forum but without success.

    This did not happen on the test server where I built the site but happend on 2 other servers I tried. One of them is the production server.

    I’ll send you some more data in a private post if you don’t mind.

    Thanks in advance!

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    You do not appear to have many posts. Have you run query monitor to see what is going on? I will also flag this for our developer, Ross, to look at.


    No there will not be more than 50 or 60 posts. But they all have a lot of taxonomies and change the infos on a regulary base.

    I just installed the query monitor plugin.

    On the ok-server it shows nothing speciall but there is a white screen after saving the post. So no information after saving. I deactivated the plugin.

    On the issue-server it shows “Slow Queries (79)” and “Duplicate Queries (261)” while opening a post. During saving it shows the same, before the 504 error appears.

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    Check your email, especially junk and spam.

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    This reply has been marked as private.

    Great! No more errors. Saving happens within a reasonable time.

    Thank you very much!

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