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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Error 504 timeout

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  • Matteo Pizzanelli

    Hi, since few says I’m having a lot of error 504 timeout. I have a website with almost 6.000 post, do you think the timeout error might be connected with S&FPRO? Is there some option to reduce S&FPRO impact on server performance? Thanks in advance.

    Trevor Moderator

    It would depend on your server. That number of posts is not unusual, but if you have many taxonomies and fields, that will factor up the complexity. But, I do not think it should be doing that. What host do you use and what package are you on?

    Matteo Pizzanelli

    Hi, after some test it turns out the timeout error was caused by another plugin, also the database was a bit corrupted and not well optimized. Thank you anyway for your support 🙂

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