Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Elementor + Woocommerce + Flywheel

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  • Anonymous

    I have a rather large site and I am trying to figure out how to get things to correctly display.

    General Tab
    – search in products
    – auto submit on
    – field relationships or
    – Auto count off
    – detection off

    Display Results
    – template options off
    – Ajax on
    – container #products
    – pagination selector .woocommerce-pagination a

    – Irrelevant

    Tags, cats, taxo
    – Nothing selected

    UI Form
    – product tags and cats are both enabled

    The elementor page

    – editing the shop page
    – Top of page I have the search and form filter on there

    Live page

    – It shows the count for tags and categories
    – when I click on one nothing happens.
    – If i add a submit button and hit enter it just redirects me to the shop page.


    – flywheel was purchased by wp-engine and they are similar but I do not believe they have a governor. I am emailing them to see if they do.



    Is this Elementor Pro?

    Did you follow the guide here (and use the extension provided)?

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