Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Elementor Pro, Woocommerce

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  • Anonymous

    I am using Elementor Pro and Woocoomerce. I followed instructions mentioned in

    I have successfully changed my layout and added filter using shortcode and css to show it in horizantal way. however filter is not working, I see after changing items in filter then something changes in url like:
    shop/?_sft_pa_player=kasparov but results is not changing based on the filter.

    I have one filter, In general tab : Only “products” is selected
    In Display Results Tab: I have woocommerce shop selected, load results using Ajax, make search bookmarkabale, only use Ajax on results page are selected. Ajax container is #main and Ajax pagination is “.pagination a”
    In Posts Tab” Published” is selected
    Tags Categories, nothing changed and as per default
    In advanced tab: everything is selected

    Please let me know if any other information you need to resolve my issue. Thanks in advance



    Ajax container for WooCommerce is often .results. It is possible that the pagination container might have to change also, maybe to .woocommerce-pagination a?

    If they don’t work, are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?


    Hi Trevor,

    I tested, based on what you mentioned but it is not working…
    Since site is not live I need to know when you can check then I disable coming soon for you.


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