Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Elementor Pro : Result display

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  • Anonymous


    I work with Elementor Pro and I follow the documentation. But I don’t understand why the result display like this :

    The picture missing and the result appears at the bottom …

    I really need your assistance for helping me. Furthermore, I have to install several filter to this website. I need to understand how it work.

    I wish you happy holidays.

    Best regards.

    Loïc T.


    With Ajax set to OFF, all works OK. But you have Ajax ON and, looking the form, I can see that the Ajax Container is set to #main, but our documentation says this must be set to .elementor-widget-posts

    I can also see that the pagination is also set incorrectly, where you have it set to the default of .pagination a but it must be .elementor-pagination a


    Please note that we are now into a holiday period in the UK. We will be working for some of this period, but replies may be delayed at times.


    Hi Trevor,
    And thank you very much for your help. Indeed I don’t disable Ajax. It’s work fine now. You will put this information in the documentation to simplify for noobs like me :
    Basic Setup
    Add the Posts Grid to your page
    Before the Posts Widget, tell S&F that it needs to filter the grid by adding a text area and adding our filter_next_query shortcode:
    [searchandfilter id=”123456″ action=”filter_next_query”]
    Replace “123456” with the ID of your search form

    Add the Search & Filter form to your page using the shortcode or by adding a widget – [searchandfilter id=”123456″]
    In your search form, under Display Results tab, choose Custom Display Method, and enter the Full URL of the page with the Elementor Posts widget
    Don’t worry about the Query Settings in the Elementor Posts Widget, Search & Filter replaces these.
    Disable Ajax under Display Results > Template Options
    That’s it you’re good to go!

    Thank again and have a good holiday.

    Best regards.

    Loïc T.

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