Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Elementor pro / ACF dropdown

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  • Anonymous


    First form for me. I use “Display results method: Elementor Post/….”.

    If I choose “search”, the filter works fine.
    If I choose “post meta”, select “dropdown” and my “meta key” and click on “Is ACF Field?”, I have 3 errors (notice) on my log:
    Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /xxx/wp-content/plugins/search-filter-pro/public/includes/fields/post_meta_choice.php on line 374
    And same error line 393 and 416.

    My dropdown displays 2 lines:
    – “all item”
    – field_xxxxxxxxx (3).

    What is the problem ?

    Configuration :
    S&F : 2.5.1
    Elementor : 3.0.5
    Elementor Pro : 3.0.2
    ACF : 5.9.0

    Thanks a lot.


    In selecting the Meta Key name, note a ‘gotcha’ with ACF ….

    … it makes 3 meta keys per field, like this (in this example for a field named ‘suburb’):

    #1 _suburb
    #2 field_5d5e7ec69feb6
    #3 suburb

    In our Meta Key selection list, you need to use key #3, without the underscore at the start of the key name. If you choose #1 by mistake, in the field choices you will see the name of #2 (unless you manually set the options).

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