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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro EDD Shortcode problems

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 43 total)
  • Francesco Ambrosini

    a problem for me at search filter resets on every search (I removed action=”prep_query” because this way search form doesn’t show at all).
    Any suggestions?

    Trevor Moderator


    I would need to take at a look at how the form is set up. If it is OK with you, can you send me a private reply with an admin username and password and login url if it is not /wp-admin?

    Francesco Ambrosini
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator


    I need to go and setup a developer setup to test to see if EDD have changed anything that breaks compatibility. This will take a while. I’ll be back.

    Francesco Ambrosini
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Francesco Ambrosini

    This doesn’t helped much. After you asked me admin priviledge, I was waiting something more.

    Trevor Moderator

    You are right, my apologies. I had intended to make a follow up. I had left the page with the correct shortcodes in (you need the form and the form with the prep bit in – the prep bit or the one without on their own will not work). Can you make sure that there are still the 2 shortcodes in there? As I recall, you had everything else set up correctly, but I could show you my setup over Skype and you could check it side by side with yours?

    It is possible that either the theme or a plugin is grabbing the posts query and messing with the results.

    I will send my skype details by private reply.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Francesco Ambrosini

    ok, thanks.
    I’m calling you.

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