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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Echo value from checked box

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  • Edward

    So this is kind of similar to a question I’ve already asked. But now I’m struggling with the styling of the echo.

    To echo the checked boxes I use the following code:

    function locaties_search() {
        global $searchandfilter;
        $sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(3403)->current_query();
        return $sf_current_query->get_fields_html(array("_sft_locatie"), array('show_all_if_empty' => false));
    add_shortcode('locatiesearch', 'locaties_search');

    And then I use the following shortcode to echo the results:
    <?php echo do_shortcode('[locatiesearch]'); ?>

    Right now it’s displaying the results like:
    Location:Location-x, Location-y

    What I would like is to have it just echo like so:

    What code should I use?

    Trevor Moderator

    In PHP you need to take the string and modify it. The first thing is to remove the Location: string. So, you use the PHP Search function to find the :, like this:

    $return_string = $sf_current_query->get_fields_html(array("_sft_locatie");
    $colon_pos = strpos($return_string, ":");

    Then you fetch the right most part of the return_string after the colon:

    $return_string_trim = substr($return_string, $colon_pos+1);

    Then you replace the commas with <br />:

    $return_string_html = str_replace(",", "<br />", $return_string_trim);

    And then you return the string:

    return $return_string_html;

    At least, I think ….

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