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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Easy Digital Downloads

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  • Rob Honeywood


    Am using the search and filter purely for Easy Digital Downloads. Page am working on is at:

    Couple of things, the documentation for EDD ( suggests I use the shortcode:
    [searchandfilter id=”14″ action=”prep_query”]

    On testing, no search form was displayed, however on removing the:
    the form works fine as does the search functionality. Is this action=”prep_query” necessary??

    Also the AJAX functionality seems weird, on using the search box for the first time it displays results correctly with or without hitting the go button. On entering a second term in the search box nothing happens, on hitting the go button, the search box is cleared of the search term and the complete page loads again.

    Can you offer any advice on fixing this? It works OK when AJAX is switched off but would prefer to use it if possible.


    WordPress Version 4.4.2
    Avada Theme Version 3.4.3

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Rob

    To answer your questions:

    1) You only need to include [searchandfilter id="14" action="prep_query"] if you are using S&F with and EDD Downloads shortcode – are you using this?

    2) Your results container is set to: #main – this is the area that is updated with ajax (results) when a search is performed.

    It looks like you Search form itself is inside this area, so when you search, the search form is also reloaded – causing this issue. You should try to use a selector that only contains your results, something like –



    Rob Honeywood

    Thanks Ross,

    Have changed the container to #downloads-list. When adding the action="prep_query" the search form does not display at all so have left this out as the search form seems to work perfectly well with out it. Does it need to be there for any other reason?

    [searchandfilter id=”12068″]

    <div id=”downloads-list”>
    <h2>Products & Services</h2>
    [downloads category=”products-and-services” number=”100″ orderby=”post_date” order=”ASC” columns=”5″]

    <h2>Emerging Risks & New Products</h2>
    [downloads category=”emerging-risks-and-new-products” number=”100″ order=”ASC” orderby=”title” columns=”5″]

    [downloads category=”whitepapers” number=”100″ order=”ASC” orderby=”title” columns=”5″]

    Rob Honeywood

    On using the code above for some reason instead of the Checkout button replacing the Add to Downloads button it sits underneath it. Please could you advise the best setup for this?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Rob

    I was almost certain the prep_query was required but if its working then great – I’m going to have to look into this and double check.

    RE the downloads button, looks like you’ve managed to resolve that issue?


    Rob Honeywood

    Hi, yes doesn’t work at all with prep_query but does appear without.

    No have not solved downloads button issue. Works OK before search, but then button appears beneath instead of replacing after search.

    See image:

    Global Property clicked before searching, ‘Checkout’ button replaces ‘Add to Downloads’ button.
    Global Engineering clicked after search, ‘Checkout’ button appears below ‘Add to Downloads’ button.



    Ross Moderator

    Strange, I just checked the link again, on FF, Chrome and IE (all windows) and I don’t see that button at all, after a search.

    I tried to start on the page, then type “global” and wait for the results to update – no “checkout” button here….

    I do see the styles change a little on the buttons though.

    This is likely because you are using ajax.

    If you disable ajax does the effect go away? If so, then you need the info from the first question here:


    Rob Honeywood

    Yeah I checked on all browsers, seems to work OK first time on some but not on second time searching. Anyway, I was using AJAX on the search form so have disabled this now and all is good.

    If I need to use AJAX I will use the hook provided.

    Thanks for your help. 🙂

    Rob Honeywood

    Can you confirm if sort order works on digital downloads with search filter?

    Both pages have exactly the same code with the exception of search filter. The one with search doesn’t order the downloads correctly. – Correct order – Same code, incorrect order.

    <h1>Select your Downloads</h1>
    <a id="enquiryButton" href="/enquiry">Enquiry</a>Instructions: Please select your downloads from the list then click 'Proceed to next step' below to receive the documents via email.
    [searchandfilter id="12068"]
    <div id="downloads-list">
    <h2>Products & Services</h2>
    [downloads category="products-and-services" number="100" orderby="post_date" order="ASC" columns="5"]
    <h2>Emerging Risks & New Products</h2>
    [downloads category="emerging-risks-and-new-products" number="100" order="ASC" orderby="title" columns="5"]
    [downloads category="whitepapers" number="100" order="ASC" orderby="title" columns="5"]
    <a class="proceed" title="Proceed" href="">Proceed to next step</a>
    Ross Moderator

    Hey Rob

    S&F will overwrite the sort order with its own I believe.

    Check under the posts tab, you should be able to set the sort order to what you need.


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