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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Dynamic slider range

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Arek Zielinski

    Hi, is there option to update max and min value in range slider and update it with jQuery?

    Trevor Moderator

    Ross may need to answer this one.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Arek

    Sure you can access the slider plugin we use, and modify the values… Here is some sample code:

    var slider_object = $('.searchandfilter .sf-field-post-meta-_price').find(".meta-slider")[0];
    slider_object.noUiSlider.set(['22', null]); //if you want to update the min value
    slider_object.noUiSlider.set([null, '100']); //if you want to update the max value
    slider_object.noUiSlider.set(['123', '625']); //if you want to update both values

    For each field in S&F, there is usually a parent li, which will have a class attached specifically to target that field (and the slider).

    For a post meta key of _price, the class I used was .sf-field-post-meta-_price – so take a look at the markup of hte search form for your field.

    Then this should be fairly self explanatory –
    var slider_object = $('.searchandfilter .sf-field-post-meta-_price').find(".meta-slider")[0];
    The first line finds the meta slider itself and puts it into a variable.

    The next lines simply set the values.

    Hope that helps

    Arek Zielinski

    I don’t know why but its not working 🙂
    Nothing happens when I pust this code and there is no errors in console

    Arek Zielinski

    Wait by bad. Its woring but its set only slider to those values. I need to update MAX and MIN values.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Arek

    I’ve just done a quick update to the plugin which should allow you to change the slider min / max settings (not their actual values).

    Install the update I’ve just emailed to you, by following:

    1) disable S&F (do not delete via wp-admin)
    2) via FTP upload and replace the existing S&F in – wp-content/plugins/search-filter-pro/
    3) enable S&F via wp-admin

    After this you can use the following filter to change the min max:

    function change_slider_min_max($input_object, $sfid)
    		$input_object['attributes']['data-min'] = 10;
    		$input_object['attributes']['data-max'] = 200;
    	return $input_object;
    add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'change_slider_min_max', 10, 2);

    Check here for a full example of how to use the filter:


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