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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Duplicate search results

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 26 total)
  • Ross Moderator

    Great stuff 🙂 Would appreciate a review on this site if you find the time also –


    Ross Moderator

    Many thanks!

    Michael Weichselgartner
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    Michael Weichselgartner
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    Ross Moderator
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    Michael Weichselgartner
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Michael Weichselgartner

    Hi Ross,

    did you have chance to take a look? Today we discovered an even bigger issue with the same meta values. If we set the an AND condition on this fields we dont get any result although a listing should match. So OR gives us duplicates while AND displays nothing.

    Although your code is well written it is simply to large to read through it. We really need help because the search engine is the heart of the project.

    Kind regards


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Michael

    Just to let you know I will be looking at this shortly.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Michael

    I don’t have admin access using those login details so can’t tinker with the search form.

    However, I would make a suggestion – under the advanced tab in S&F, have you tried selecting “force is_search to be true”?


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Michael

    I don’t have admin access using those login details so can’t tinker with the search form.

    However, I would make a suggestion – under the advanced tab in S&F, have you tried selecting “force is_search to be true”?


Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 26 total)

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