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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Dropdown input type not accepting "Exclude IDs" for "Hierarchy" selection

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  • Alex Lash

    I was going to use the Multi-select feature, but when I got my actual content from the client, I recognized that it will not make sense for my website.

    I have a large amount of categories, but they are all nested underneath only 4 parent categories. For some reason, when I was filtering with Multi-select boxes, with the Hierarchical option checked, I could exclude my many child IDs simply by excluding their parent ID—perfect. However, now that I’m trying to use the Dropdown input type, I actually can’t check the Hierarchical option or else excluding IDs doesn’t work. As a result, I have to exclude every single ID that I don’t want.

    Is this a bug? If so, do you have a fix?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Alex

    Would this work better if there was an option, instead of exclude, to “include” only the IDs you want?

    Another user has already requested this and I plan to add this in.


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