Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Dropdown Dependency to Work in certain condition.


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  • Anonymous


    I have 4 custom taxonomies, each and one of them have the dependency working as intended if i select and option and it updates the results in the second, third, forth dropdown options. But my question is, at the moment if you don’t select the first dropdown option, all of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th options show all the information in them, so if say i only select the 3rd selection i get all the taxonomy options from that specific taxonomy. So can it be possible to have the dependency work like the 2nd,3rd and 4th dropdown to not show options till the previous dropdown has a selection made ? Just like on the filter found at the bottom of the page !? Can it be posible to have that ? I don’t mind thinkering with custom code in functions.php files or css, etc. If needed, i just need to have that functionality, basically forcing the user to make a selection on the first taxonomy dropdown before being able to search for an option in the other 3 taxonomy dropdowns. ! Thanks !


    Sequential dependency is what you are describing, but it so not possible yet with our plugin, sorry. This may appear in V3, the first version of which should be released in a few months.

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