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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Does Search & Filter Elementor Pro work in Popup?


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  • bertan uraler


    I use too many filters. I added a Search & Filter shortcode to the Elementor Pro Popup page to store this crowded environment on mobile.

    Clicking the button on the mobile page opens a popup. Filtering is displayed. But when I select an option and search, I get no results.

    I would like your help.

    bertan uraler
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    Trevor Moderator

    I think it is not working because it is the second instance of the form on the page, and so is not linked by code to the results. I do not think it can work that way.

    Adrian Villalobos

    Hi, I am having the same issue.
    I put the S&F form in an Elementor popup in the website’s store so as to improve filter usage on mobile, but the filters do not affect the product archive in the store.
    Is there a way of making this work?

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Adrian

    At the moment, there is not. It may be that this will work in V3, but we do not expect to release that version until June (that timeframe may flex a little).

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Adrian and Bertan

    We’ve just released version 1.0.3 of the Elementor Extension.

    You can grab it from you wp dashboard shortly, or head to to the documentation and download to perform a manual update.

    This update includes a fix for search forms in Elementor popups 🙂

    Let me know how you get on.


    Adrian Villalobos

    Hello Trevor,

    Thank you for letting us know. This is great news!

    However, I cannot seem to make it work :/
    In Elementor, I created a side popup and added the Search&Filter Form to it. In my store page, I added a button that opens the popup with the form, but whenever I select filters and click on the “Apply filters” button, the Store page reloads but I see the same products. I have tried different display methods, making sure I was not using Ajax since I don’t know if Ajax works in this case, but nothing. I even tried adding the “search-next-query” shortcode right before the Elementor Product Archive widget with no luck.

    What can I be missing?

    You can see the website with the popup filter here:
    You only need to click on “Usar filtros” (“Use filters” in Spanish) to open the filters popup.

    Trevor Moderator

    We have had another user with the same issue, and it turned out that their site was cached and our new JavaScript file was not being loaded. This happens a lot, especially if you have ‘Optimizer’ type plugins (even more so if they remove ‘query string’ from assets). The cache can be quite stubborn to clear as well.

    Adrian Villalobos

    I have deactivated the SG Optimizer plugin and Cloudfare but I still cannot get the filter form to work from the popup. Would you be able to assist with this?

    Adrian Villalobos

    Never mind. I got it to work somehow. However, for some reason two overlapped price sliders appear when you first open the filters popup. After you use it, the second one disappears. Not sure what’s causing this.
    Everything seems to be working well.

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