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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro DIVI theme with CPT Archive

Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 30 total)
  • Alessandro Epis

    Ok, I tried yesterday but the point now is a different one because I am using AJAX.
    It’s working properly but, when I search for something that doesn’t exist, instead of saying “no results” it remains stuck to the results of the previous search.
    You can try it here:

    Trevor Moderator

    OK, then I think Ross may need to answer that.

    Ross Moderator

    Its what I mention, when there are no results there is no ajax container.

    So you need to add your ajax container to your no results template.

    As mentioned this setting can be found:

    your ajax container defined in the display results tab.

    in S&F admin area.

    So this page (which shows no results):

    Does not contain the ajax container, so the message can’t be udpated.

    Also note, your no results page layout is completely different, so anyone navigating to the link directly:

    Will not be able to able to use the search form, perhaps it might be worth considering styling these pages too to match the search area layout – if you are not sure how to do this you will likely need to get in touch with DIVI.


    Alessandro Epis

    Hi Ross,
    I got it. But in the Display results tab I put the container that Trevor told me and it works good when the search is for something that is there. If I change to #main as before, it doesn’t work.
    So I guess that it is correct what Trevor told me to put inside that field.
    Is there any other file or something I can modify to show a simple message like “no results were found” instead of the accommodation ads?

    I know that the no results page is totally different and I’ll try to fix it but the poin is that this search won’t be the only one in the website so.. How can I make it coherent with every search?

    Hope I explained myself good.

    Trevor Moderator


    What is your results container that works?

    Alessandro Epis

    Hi Trevor,
    it’s .et_pb_cpt_list_wrapper

    Trevor Moderator

    OK, so, in the no-results.php template file I referred to earlier, does the no results message have that same class attached to its wrapper?

    Alessandro Epis

    Ok, the most is solved.
    Now the only problem is the direct linking, but we’ll try to figure it out.
    Thank you

    Trevor Moderator

    I can close this thread?

    Alessandro Epis

    Yes, thank you

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