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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro DIVI theme with CPT Archive

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  • Alessandro Epis

    Also, the “search” doesn’t work and if I choose a price range with no results it shows some results out of the range

    Trevor Moderator

    Did you try the filter_next_query shortcode method with Custom Display results?

    Alessandro Epis

    Yes, but it seems it doesn’t show anything

    Alessandro Epis

    To sum up:
    – with the shortcode and custom display it doesn’t work; Any suggestion?
    – with the Post Archive Layout it works without AJAX but the no result page is incoherent;
    – with the Post Archive Layout AND AJAX it works bad (no pics, no results from the “search”, if I choose a range with no results it shows results out of range).
    Any help?

    Trevor Moderator

    I think this must be the way that the plugin you are using works. Is this the one:

    Alessandro Epis

    Yes, this is the plugin.
    Well, if I can fix the problems of the third case (PT Archive with AJAX) it would be good.

    Alessandro Epis

    I solved the pic problem not using animation.
    Now the only problem is that if I search for something that is not in the fields, instead of telling “no results found…” it doesn’t do anything (showing the same results of the previous search).
    Maybe this can be fixed in some ways?

    Ross Moderator

    Ah the issue with this is, the message “no results found” will probably not be inside your ajax container defined in the display results tab.

    Its likely you have an


    and you open you ajax container here, but not in the else part which shows “no results”.


    Alessandro Epis

    Hi Ross,
    Thank you for your reply,
    where can I change the AJAX container or check if it’s the point?
    Thank you!

    Trevor Moderator


    You would need to know which template file your theme is using. In Divi I believe it might be this file:


    Have a look in there and see if that is the message you see. If so, make a little edit and check again to see if that edit is showing, and then if it is, you can set it as you want?

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