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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro DIVI – Blog module grid

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  • Jan Drábek

    Hi, I’m no good at coding and similiar stuff and I’m trying to make it work somehow with DIVI theme. I have page with Blog Module grid and I’d like to display results with Ajax on the same page with same layout. Is it even possible?

    Trevor Moderator


    Can you take a look at this thread:

    The private posts contain nothing of relevance.

    Jan Drábek

    Hi I checked the post and problem is I’m a bit beginner with code and I prefer visual and drag and drop 🙂

    I’ll try to tell you what I need in more detailed way.

    1. I use DIVI theme
    2. I need to display posts on non archive page with post made with divi grid module (divi shortcode via Divi builder)
    3. I made grid with posts and I need to filter them on the same page
    4. My page is:

    How should I set it up? If you want I can give you credentials.

    Trevor Moderator

    OK. We will try this by steps.

    Step #1. Make a form (keep it simple for now) and set the Display Method to Custom and enter the full URL of your page as the Results URL.

    Step #2. Add that form to the page by using the form shortcode (paste it into whatever content module Divi has for shortcodes).

    Run the page. Does the form appear? It will not work yet. If it appears, send me the link for the page so I can see.

    Jan Drábek

    Ok, now I created form with default setting, only set to Custom and add url and inserted shortcode. Form is showing.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Jan Drábek
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Jan Drábek
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Jan

    I will do this tomorrow as it is getting late here. The good news is that for the other person who wanted this, we have now worked out how to get it working.

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