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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Displays Results – Main Page

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 25 total)
  • Maurino Loureiro
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Maurino Loureiro
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    Trevor Moderator

    OK. So, what I need from you is a link where I can see the finished form on a page, and can you annotate a screenshot of your form with what you want changing (naming font family, colors, size, weight, padding/space etc.), and I can craft something for you? You cannot upload images here, so use a file sharing site and send me a link to the image.

    Maurino Loureiro
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Being able to toggle a block to hidden or not is something that can be added to most pages using a pagebuilder or some form of plugin (like ) that has this feature.

    Maurino Loureiro
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Maurino Loureiro
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    Trevor Moderator

    The titles of filters are optionally added by you the designer. It is this setting (which you should leave blank, and, by default, it is blank):

    You might find the filters better styled if you add the select2 script to them, as described here:

    The only other thing I notice is that the fields are all the same width, for which you would need custom and responsive CSS. This search on our forum should give you some snippets to look at:

    Trevor Moderator

    Is that not what this does? It might put a link on the page, but that can be styled to look like a button:

    It might not do all that you want though, as it does not always revert the form back to the starting position of a form/page. Instead of the reset form object, and in your theme where the form is, add a fake reset button as a link, where the URL is the page URL for that page. It will cause the page to reload without the search parameters.

    Maurino Loureiro
    This reply has been marked as private.
Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 25 total)

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