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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Displaying the original search query in a search field

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  • Lennart Schuett

    I just purchased Search & Filter Pro and are a little bit confused abouth two things I can’t seem to find in the documentation or in this forum.
    1. I would like to place a search form on my archive page. Is there any way to make the search field in this form containing the original search query so the user doesn’t have to reenter it when he just wants to apply a filter?
    2. I am using an Elementor template for displaying the search results on the archive page. When I am applying a filter the results are not displayed in the style of this template but in the style of the theme. Is there any way to change that or do I have to build a separate page for the filter results which looks like the archive page?

    Trevor Moderator

    If you want to utilize a theme search box (such as found in most theme headers and/or main menus) using a WordPress rewrite is best. For this you should be using a child theme (really easy to set up if you don’t know how, using a free plugin from Orbisius – you can delete that plugin once it is done), and you edit the functions.php file and add some code to pass the search terms to our form on the results page. You will want to use code like that shown in this post (change the slug name though to match that of your site search page):

    The Search and Filter form must also have a search box in it to ‘accept’ the search terms. I would ‘hide’ (using custom CSS) the header search box on the results page, as otherwise that will conflict with our form if used on that page. If necessary, show me the page when done and I can give you that CSS.

    As to working with Elementor Pro, you need an additional extension plugin from us – the link is at the top of this guide (which you need to read and follow):

    Lennart Schuett

    Thank you. This is exactly what I wanted.

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for getting back to me. I will close this thread for now.

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