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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro displaying search terms without labels

Viewing 7 posts - 11 through 17 (of 17 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    There is probably a way, but this is way beyond what is included in normal technical support, and beyond my abilities.

    eli Shvrzman

    o.k thanks.
    but i don’t understand why is it so complicated. i can display each one easily but can’t get it to display the name without the label

    Trevor Moderator

    Neither do I.

    eli Shvrzman

    got it! here is the solution.

    	             global $wp_query;
    	             $sf_current_query = $wp_query->query_vars['_sft_position']; ?>
    						   <?php if (isset ($sf_current_query))  :  ?>
                   echo '<span class="results-term">' . $sf_current_query . '</span>';
    						   <?php endif; ?>

    the vars can be changed to any search term you have.

    Trevor Moderator

    Cool. Can I close thread, as you appear to have resolved it?

    eli Shvrzman

    yes sure. hoping it will help others as well.

    Trevor Moderator

    I am sure that it will 🙂 I will close this now.

Viewing 7 posts - 11 through 17 (of 17 total)

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