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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Display Sort Order?


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  • Stephen Tapp

    Hi, How would I display the sort order in a way similar to displaying categories or tags? Here’s the code I’m using, but only _sft_category and _sft_school display on my page.

    $args = array(
    	"str" => '<strong>%1$s</strong>: %2$s',
    	"show_all_if_empty" => false
    	//"field_delim" => '<hr />'
    echo $sf_current_query->get_fields_html(array("_sft_category", "_sft_school", "sort_order"), $args);

    Here’s a link to the test page:


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Stephen

    I don’t think the sort order is included in this actually.

    I’ll have a look and get it added in the next update if thats the case.


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