Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro display results in grid

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  • Anonymous

    Hello I have set up my taxonomies using CPT UI and have used Elementor Pro to show my custom posts in a grid.
    When I set up the Search and Filter Pro form and add it to the results page as per instructions (, I get the warning
    “Notice: This Search Form has not been configured to use a shortcode. Edit settings.”
    I tried then with a blank page and can get the results to show as a vertical list, which I don’t want.
    How can I get the form to work with the posts grid, and display results in a grid?


    If you are using the Elementor method (which, if you are using Elementor is the best way), on the Display Results settings tab, the Display method should be set to Custom, not shortcode.


    Hello, I have it set to Custom in Display Results, and have pasted in the url of the page the grid is on, but how do I add the form to the page if I cannot use a shortcode?


    You use only the form shortcode, not the ‘results’ shortcode. The error message you gave comes form using the results shortcode.


    OK that makes sense. I’ve removed the results shortcode, and the error message is gone, but now, when I do a search, it doesn’t filter the results, and returns all the posts. Is there a way to set up a blank page with just the search form, and display the results in a grid? I can get the results to show in a vertical list. Also the meta data for the posts returned just shows Uncategorized and the post date. How do I fix that? As I mentioned I have Elementor installed to display the posts in a grid, so is there a way I can use that?
    Thanks for the quick response.


    Did you make sure, per the Post grid instructions, to place between the form shortcode and the grid shortcode, the filter_next_query shortcode?


    No, I didn’t. So, I should have three shortcodes? –
    1.The form shortcode, with the ID number of that form
    2. The filter next query shortcode with the ID number of the form
    3. The Elementor shortcode with the template ID number
    I’ve tried that, but it is still not filtering the results.

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