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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Display problems on mobile devices

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 18 total)
  • Giulio Vallata

    Hi, when I apply the filter using the mobile site the display of the posts does not take place correctly.

    Reference URL: this is the reference

    How can I solve this?Mobile display filter in the wrong way

    Trevor Moderator

    Unfortunately, that link to the screenshot will not work on the forum. Are you able to upload it to a file sharing site (like Dropbox, Google Drive, WeShare, Cloudup, etc.) and share the URL with me?

    Giulio Vallata

    Hello Trevor,

    here you are: link

    Giulio Vallata

    Hello Trevor,

    any solutions?


    Trevor Moderator

    I do not see the content details disappear, as you seem to, but I DO see a potential issue, which may be the cause. You have the same form twice on the page. This should not be done, as having more than one form on a page can cause the forms to interact and interfere. Similarly, these forms are paired with two instances of the Post Grid, which means potential problems. If you reduce the page to just one form and one grid, what then happens?

    Trevor Moderator

    My apologies, I think our posts crossed at the same time.

    Giulio Vallata

    Hi Trevor,

    I’ve added two forms on the page because I’d like that on small screens it will show before post so a user can filter at first and then, see results.

    On larger screens the filter could stay as sidebar so a user can filter and see immediately the results.

    This is way I’m using two filters. You can see it on this page

    Is there a way to use just one filter and show it as first on small screens? I’m using Avada Theme and I can’t do it with the fusion builder.


    Trevor Moderator

    You need to move the right sidebar to appear before the content in the Avada Responsive options:

    Giulio Vallata

    Hi Trevor,

    it works, thank you. But I still have some problems. you can also try yourself from the page that I’ve linked previously by using smartphone.

    When I apply a filter for the first time post are not displayed well and it could take a while to show the images.

    I’m not saying that it’s not working but I’ve some doubt on post grid. Does it work properly?

    On desktop instead I don’t experience any of this problem.

    Best regards,

    Trevor Moderator

    Are you using Masonry in Post Grid?

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