Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Display clickable links in search filter – Archive pages


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  • Anonymous

    On these types of archive pages: I would like to show a clickable set of links for one or more of the taxonomies, (so if the make= daf, I would like to see (in addition to the dropdown) a series of ‘models’ – on this page the list in the dropdown starting with ’45 Series’.

    This will give Google access to all of the models for that manufacturer. Ideally I would like these links to go to the model archive pages, rather than a search/?_sft_make=daf&_sft_serie=45-series but if there is a way of obtaining that data for me to add to the template php then this would be valuable.

    Many thanks


    You want that list actually in the form, or elsewhere? If in the form, in their own list (dropdown) or in an existing one?

    Are you needing the links there solely so that the search bot can find them, or for a user to see?

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    It does make sense, but this is not something that can be done from within our plugin. I have tried to think of a way to do it. In essence, you need two results areas based on the one form. I suppose that you could do it using a lot of custom PHP in a template file for the page, where the template could have two loops both using the search and filter arguments, but it would need to be custom coded, if not by yourself, than a third party coder.


    Thank you for coming back to me. on another subject, do you have any experience/examples of URL rewrites of the search results pages so that could become



    It isn’t possible to do that within our plugin right now in your configuration, but we do plan it for V3 (due in a few months).

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