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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Display all terms in Search Results title

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  • Peter Mason


    Is it possible to display all the Query terms in the Search results page?


    Results for: Cars / Ford

    Currently if a user selects a few of the options from the search form select drop downs, it will only display one of the search query terms on the results page, I think it just always displays the last one in the form.

    As well as the display issue, does this mean it is only actually searching that last term rather than both (or all) of the ones selected?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Peter

    There is no way to currently do that although I’m adding that in a future update.

    The way WP works is that it only knows how to get the last term, so although you may only see one term it is definitely searching all the terms.


    Peter Mason

    it would be good to get that added definitely, users will think it isn’t working properly, even though it may be.

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