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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Disable Infinity scroll and put the trigger on a button

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  • Mitchel van Eijgen

    I would like to disable infinity scroll and have it only load in new items if someone clicks on a button that I put on the page.

    It’s a bit of the pagination feature and the infinity scroll feature combined, but the pagination removes the old posts and loads in new once with the click of a button and the infinity scroll loads in new once, keeps the old once, but doesn’t has a button.

    I would figure this was fairly easy if I would just know what the “load more” feature in javascript was named and how I could acces it from my own code.

    Trevor Moderator

    In effect, you want a load more script instead of infinite scroll. Whilst not available in the current plugin, we are investigating this option for V3, which should be out in 2018.

    Charlie Hartley

    Hello @Trevor, is something such as this available yet?

    Trevor Moderator

    It isn’t, sorry. V3 has been delayed by quite a bit, but we are now getting close. I cannot say when yet.

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