Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Different Results.php


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  • Anonymous

    Hi, I did as instructed in Using shortcode but its not working. I’ve put 16284.php (id of the search form) in search-filter folder, but its not loading, I see the default one. I’ve tried with or without results.php but with no luck. Before, I used results.php and it worked. What am I doing wrong?


    Can you show me the page with the search on? What did you do (editing) to make the 16284.php file different?


    I decided to split the thread just in case we need to send private replies. The old theread was:

    It now uses a new thread link.

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    don’t know if its worth mentioning but I’ve tried with results.php along id.php and using only id.php for each form, in my case 16280 and 16284 respectfully.



    I have dirty solution to this by checking page id and putting if statement inside results.php, it works ok but would prefer to do it as instructed in documentation.


    I do not see a search form on that page link? We may have to do this over skype sharing screens.


    check it now, super cache was enabled so you could not see it



    I can see it. Nice design 🙂

    I think we are going to have to do some sort of screen share so you can explain to me what is being done. Is this possible? How is your spoken English?

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