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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Dependent Menu options search form

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  • Ramon de Punder

    That doesn’t work either… :/

    Trevor Moderator

    I will re-visit this in the morning with fresh eyes.

    Ramon de Punder

    I maybe found the problem.. The only media files which result in an amount in the lists comparable to the one I sent you before are the ones which are in a post. So maybe the Search & Filter Form is still looking for posts instead of documents, although this would be hard to understand for me at least…

    Trevor Moderator

    I will ask the developer, Ross. He may take a little while to reply though.

    Ramon de Punder

    Ok, thanks! 🙂

    Ramon de Punder
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Stan

    Is this the search page?

    I made some changes in the form and the page. There are now numbers on the posts and it seems to work?

    Ramon de Punder

    Ah great! Thanks a million for your and Ross’ help!

    Trevor Moderator

    Is this now resolved, Stan?

    Ramon de Punder

    Yes it is. 🙂 However, I am not totally satisfied with the way results are displayed now. I want the bullet with “Uncategorized” to disappear and I want a direct hyperlink to appear under the name of the media file. At the moment, one needs to click on the name before finding the hyperlink of the corresponding file. Is this all possible ?

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