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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Dependent Menu options search form

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  • Ramon de Punder

    Hi there!

    I am facing some troubles finetuning my search form on I am not sure whether it’s possible to create a search form with Search & Filter Pro which satisfies the following conditions:

    – I want visitors to be able to select some properties of a document and to fill in some keywords, in order to find the required document. They can pick these properties from four different drop-down menus. The problem is, that these properties act not totally independent of each other. For example: if a visitor selects “Examen” in the first drop-down menu (“Categorie”), I want the second drop-down menu to be disabled (or to disappear).

    – If visitors want to change their search form, it seems to be that they have to go back to the homepage, before they can change their form. For example, if one chooses “Samenvattingen” in the first drop-down menu and then changes it to “Syllabi”, the results displayed are still the “Samenvattingen” (and not the “Syllabi”).

    Thanks in advance,

    Kind regards,

    Stan Thijssen

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Stan

    On the General settings tab, are the 2 checkboxes for Auto Count enabled? They should be.

    Then, in each form control element, is Hide Empty checked? They should be.

    Ramon de Punder

    Hi Trevor,

    I followed your instructions, but I am afraid something went wrong. I now don’t get any options for “Niveaus”, while there are several documents with a “Niveau”-label in my media library.Do you have any idea how to fix this ?

    Kind regards,

    Stan Thijssen

    Trevor Moderator
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    Ramon de Punder
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator
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    Ramon de Punder

    Hi Trevor,

    It’s so confusing, these zeros. If you click on the zero in the followig image, you see a list with 20 items..

    I don’t know why these documents aren’t recognized.

    Kind regards,

    Stan Thijssen

    Trevor Moderator

    Something has to be broken about the taxonomy. Maybe the slug name, I do not know. But it is in WordPress. maybe make another taxonomy with a different name and add one term to it to see if it shows?

    Ramon de Punder

    What makes it so weird, is that if I uncheck the box “Hide empty terms” for this taxonomy, that it works again. It is only broken when this box is checked…

    Kind regards,

    Stan Thijssen

    Trevor Moderator

    That still indicates that something is broken about the taxonomy.

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