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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Dependent drop downs filter

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  • BOUCHAIR Yacine

    You have a good french !

    They are already in custom taxonomies

    Please see attached images

    Thank you

    Trevor Moderator

    I see what you have. One destination taxonomy and inside this you have the countries AND cities.

    You need 2 separate taxonomies.

    Trevor Moderator
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    BOUCHAIR Yacine

    My english is poor (an special talken), we can speak via skype but with writing if you want !

    About taxonomies, i have countries + cities + places

    How do you link taxonomies between them in this case ?

    You have :

    Countries : USA – France – UK …
    Cities : New York, Dallas, Paris, Marseille, London …
    Places : Manhattan, Time Square,

    Thank you

    Trevor Moderator

    Maybe you can send me your admin logins? The I can see how you have structured the site.

    BOUCHAIR Yacine
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    As it is late here, I will look at this tomorrow morning.

    BOUCHAIR Yacine

    No problem, have a good day !

    Trevor Moderator

    OK. I ca see the issue. You made me start to write a blog post!!! Read this then connect with me on Skype (my poor French and your poor English, we will be fine). You have some work to do, but we can rescue this 🙂

    The first draft of my blog post:

    In general, one of the biggest faults in the way WordPress works, and I will call it that, is taxonomies. The default taxonomy is categories, but you can add others.

    What, IMHO, should be the case is:

    #1 Each Taxonomy should only be permitted to apply to one post type. The default taxonomy, categories should apply only to default posts. But, this is not the case in WordPress. Instead, categories applies to all post types, and if you make some custom taxonomies, you can apply them to all post types also. The WordPress core team have decided that they will handle this issue in a different way, which they call term splitting, but, IMHO, it doesn’t work when it comes to urls.
    #2 There should be no child/parent taxonomy terms within the same taxonomy. Instead, their should be child/parent taxonomies, where a term in a child taxonomy is link to a term in the parent taxonomy
    #3 WordPress allows multiple taxonomy terms to be applied to a post. This should not be possible. Instead, there should be multiple taxonomies on that post type.

    The above ‘rules’ can already be observed by a site designer and site users and if they do, URLs and post filtering (which is what you need to use to achieve what you want) becomes so much easier.

    Sorry it is in English 🙁

    Trevor Moderator
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Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 27 total)

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