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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Dependent drop downs filter

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 27 total)
  • BOUCHAIR Yacine

    Is to possiblie tyo filter from dependent drop downs taxonomies for Countries and States which allow the user to select a Country in one drop down and then have the second drop down show States only from that Country.

    Trevor Moderator

    Assuming that the data is coming from posts (or CPTs or whatever you are searching), then yes, sort of.

    Make sure Auto Count is ON

    And then, in the form fields, make sure that hide empty results is checked.

    BOUCHAIR Yacine
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    I can mark this as resolved and close the thread?

    BOUCHAIR Yacine


    Don’t understand you
    It is not working for me !

    Thank you

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    BOUCHAIR Yacine
    Trevor Moderator

    What I see is a search and filter form on top with the Destinations select box and then below this some additional filters. But these filters are not part of the form, so whatever happens in the form cannot influence these filters. These filters must be in the form.

    BOUCHAIR Yacine

    Please see again i remove those filters wich are made via toolset plugin
    My problem is :
    Can i have 3 dependant dropdown instead of one with hierachical destinations ?
    Thank you

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah ….. light bulb. je comprends ce que vous demandez.

    You have them all in Categories. They should be in custom taxonomies. One for Country and one for States. If you are unable to add custom taxonomies in your theme, you can use the Custom Post Types UI plugin for this. Taxonomies in WordPress is a mess IMHO. I must write a blog post about this (actually, I am writing one already, not yet finished).

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