Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Demo Oscars Won

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  • Anonymous

    Hello Trevor,
    I’m coming back towards you for the scroll bar “Oscars Won” in
    I would like to have the same on, how to proceed please?
    Indeed, I had the check boxes, without much conviction, but I just saw that we cannot even check several boxes. It no longer makes sense to the user.
    Thank you very much for your help.

    This reply has been marked as private.

    The CSS code for the scrollbar on Genres is this (you can use the same):

    .searchandfilter > ul > li[data-sf-field-input-type="checkbox"] > ul,
    .searchandfilter > ul > li[data-sf-field-input-type="radio"] > ul {
        max-height: 150px;
        overflow: auto;

    In general, please see this post:

    As it shows what we did to make the demo search form.

    With regard to the check boxes, do you need when more than one is checked, for the search to return more results (OR), or less (AND)?



    Thank you Trevor, but all my questions was about the horizontal scroll bar “Oscars Won”. Mabe scroll bar is an inapropriate word, sorry.
    For “Orario limite di arrivo” I would like no check boxes and replace it with an horizontal scroll bar like “Oscars Won”.
    Thank you


    You want the range bar on which field? It must be a number or date field. For example, ORARIO LIMITE DI ARRIVO is not a date or number field, as it has numbers and letters.


    Yes I would like the range bar for the hours of arrival of ORARIO LIMITE DI ARRIVO. For the moment I have the hours like “18:30”. But maybe I can change with 18,30 or 18.30?


    For time, this would not be possible, sorry.


    But how it was done on Why it wouldn’t work on my WordPress?


    Because those are numbers. Yours are times.


    Yes, but if I delete the 1/2 hours, I could have a range from 15 < 23. And if I don’t write : . , or h, it would be numbers, could it work?

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