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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Define position of specific posts in the results

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Ashley Best

    Is there any way of defining the position of specific posts within the results.

    Let’s say I have 8 results in 4 columns and I want a piece of promotional content to appear in the 4th and 5th position.

    Can that be done?

    Trevor Moderator

    Not easily, and it is not something that I have done before, and this would not be within the scope of our support.

    You would need to create a theme PHP template file that would do this generally. Thinking about the logic required, you would need each ‘page’ to have the same number of promo inserts (2) and thus set the posts per page to 6.

    You would create the template to make the grid using the standard if … posts then while … posts output each individual post. Have a counter in that and during the ‘while’ insert the promo post after the normal post, by checking the counter.

    You would most likely need the assistance of a skilled coder for this.

    Ashley Best

    Thanks for your thoughts on this Trevor. I’ve managed to get it done exactly how you described.

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for letting me know. I will close this thread for now.

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