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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Default search

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  • Keith Barrett

    Is it possible when the page loads to show the results of one tag instead of showing the results of all the tags?

    An example being I have three tags and all of theme are populated with items
    Tag1 – Most Popular
    Tag2 – Shoes
    Tag3 – Belts

    I would like the page to load only showing “Tag1 – Most Popular” and then the user to have the option of selection Tag2 or tag3

    Surely there is , i must be missing something small?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Keith

    Unfortunately this is not yet an option within S&F – but there are a couple of hacky workarounds.

    1) Enable “Bookmarkable URLs” – then go to you search form, click “most popular” and you will notice the URL change. Use this URL for linking to your search page.

    2) Use the filter sf_edit_query_args (this is a lot more complex) –

    Then you would have to detect whether a search has been performed (ie any options in the form selected) – if not you would use the above filter to by tag 1 – and then using JS you would also have to set the filter – its pretty messy but I guess possible.


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