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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Default Order not displaying selected options

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  • Edward


    I have search and filter set-up that is working fine. BUT, When I select the order to show the results. The default order I’ve selected isn’t working. This is my configuration:

    I have a acf called Ranking which is a number from 1 to 5. So I select:

    Default order: Meta value -> Descending
    Choose Meta Key: Ranking -> Numerical

    But the results are not show by Ranking. For testing I’ve selected default order by Post ID. But nothing changed. Descending or Ascending, didn’t make a differance.

    I’m displaying my results using shortcode btw. Thanks.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator

    It seems likely that other custom code or a plugin is altering the sort order, maybe using query_posts or pre_get_posts.

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    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator

    Any order set in our plugin can be over written by an ‘Order’ plugin. I see that you have two of these:

    Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order
    Post Types Order

    It is possible one of these is the problem.


    You’re right. This was indeed the problem. Funny I’ve not seen this myself.

    I’ll go and check if disabling these plugin’s didn’t cause any other problems.
    Thanks again.

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