Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Deadline filter

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  • Anonymous


    I have been your plugin for almost 5 months and it is pretty amazing. I am using it for my scholarship discovery platform

    So basically we post scholarships opportunities and we use the plugin to filter post according to country, funding type and department. We use custom tag for all of these. However, we want to add a deadline filter where for example enter the deadline date for each post and the filter will have a tab and show results according to today’s date and perhaps have options like this
    – on going If deadline did not come yet
    – closed if deadline has passed
    Hopefully i was able to explain.
    Here a page where we used the plugin

    Thank you for your time


    That would require a date field with the deadline (make sure it saves this as a SQL date – in YYYYMMDD format) and implement this now.

    But, then you would need to be able to create a field that does the calculations to work out which is which, and, I am guessing, have a form field that shows those as options.

    This is not possible for now, but soon should be, I hope, with V3, which we plan to release late June/early July.


    hello can’t wait for update.

    How about if we use post-expiration would that work?


    That might work. Where is that date stored though? A Post Meta field? If it is, that would work, but, again, you would need to wait for V3 to be able to work on the functionality.

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