Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Deactivate license bug

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous


    I have an issue, I want to deactivate a license to move a site from one server to another.

    I tried doing it from the old instance of the site, from the new one and from ‘Your account’ in this site. Deactivate License does NOT work, and I cannot update the plugin because I cannot activate the license on the new URL.

    Why isn’t the ‘Deactivate site’ options working under Manage Sites in Your account, and what can be done about this?

    Thank you!


    I will need to ask Ross about this and get back to you.

    In the meantime, you can still do manual updates. The process is different depending on the current version number that you have installed. If you have 2.3.0 or older, you must use ftp to replace the plugin folder with the new one.

    If you have 2.3.1, you can safely delete the plugin in WordPress and install 2.3.2 using upload plugin.


    Thank you!
    Well it worked, but on the 5th -7th try and took a good 5min.


    It worked to deactivate on my account on your site, and to activate on my WP website but still does not download the update. I do have 2.2.0 so probably that’s why I get this issue. I will update via FTP.


    That may be true. We di have problems updating from 2.2.0

    Be sure NOT to delete the plugin in WordPress with v2.2.0, as it also deletes the forms 🙁

    2.3.1 and later do not do this (although there is an option in settings to do this if you want too completely delete the plugin).

    Can I close this thread?


    Since I have 2.2.0 how am I supposed to update the plugin without deleting the forms? They’re quite the hassle to recreate.


    Download the new version from your account area), then follow these manual installation instructions:

    1) Deactivate S&F in WP Admin Plugins page (do not delete, otherwise you will lose your search form)
    2) Via FTP, delete search-filter-pro folder from the wp-content\plugins folder on your server. If you wish to keep the folder, just in case, do NOT rename it, instead move it UP a folder into the wp-content folder.
    3) Unzip the file that you have downloaded.
    4) Upload the search-filter-pro folder from the archive file you just unzipped to the wp-content\plugins folder on your server.


    Did that, thank you, that’s great! The thread can be closed, but there might be an issue with the Activate/Deactivate.

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