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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Date search by year

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  • Leo Joskowicz

    I would like to filter posts by year. Meaning, I would like to show a dropdown menu with an entry for each year, preferably with an autocount for posts in that year. Something like:

    2015 (10)
    2014 (3)
    2013 (2)

    Is this possible?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Leo

    This is not possible using the post published value in a post.

    However you could easily create a taxonomy or custom field to store this data for each post, and then you would be able to use the taxonomy or post meta input types, which allow for the dropdown and count values.

    Check here for more info:


    Leo Joskowicz

    The issue with creating a taxonomy or custom field would manually populating it an addition to setting the post date…

    Thanks anyway.

    Ross Moderator

    Thats true, or you could use a WP filter, so that whenever a post is saved the post it automatically added to the correct taxonomy/set to the correct post meta value – I do this on a few projects.


    Stephen Tapp

    I’d like to request a new feature similar to what Leo described: A dropdown list of years (and months). Or at least have the SF plugin support the native WP archives widget.


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