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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Date range with mixed content – Some have end dates others don't


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  • Dan Treuter

    Hi There,

    I am adding a filter to a custom post type. This works fine on another post type but all of the content has both the start and end dates. This other post type has start dates and many have no end date. Because of this, the date range picker doesn’t work. Any suggestions/advice on this?

    Thank you!

    Trevor Moderator

    Do you want to give the user of the form the ability to search for posts on individual dates OR find posts that fall within or overlap a range?

    The only way around this I suspect is to have a date FAR in to the future and set the Compare Mode to Input overlaps any of the Post Meta range

    The problem with this approach is that this end date would then show in the listing for that post. So, to get around this have a second end date field and make that field calculated.

    IF the real end date is set, use that in this new field, if it is not set, then use that far away date, and use this field for the end date in the range filter, and not the real one.

    Dan Treuter

    If the option for configuration is at the post level I may just have end dates put in for same day. If start date matches end date then hide the end date on display.

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