Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Date Range Serch is not working


  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous

    My Date Range Serch form is not working now.

    ・I’m using it for Custom Post Type.
    ・Meta Key is “concert_date_sf”, it’s an advanced custom field date picker. I set the value at my custom post. (I ensured it.)
    ・Other form is working( Taxonomy: category, Serch form).
    ・When I changed Data Range Serch form, URL Parameter was added(?_sfm_concert_date_sf=20201101+20201130) but all posts were shown.
    ・I simplified my template file as much as possible, in “archive-concert.php”, there is a loop like below.

    	if ( have_posts() ) :
    		while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
    			get_template_part( 'template-parts/post/loop', $postType['slug'] );
    	else :
    		echo wpautop( 'no post');

    Now, what should I ensure and fix now?


    Where is the Ajax Container in relation to that code? That code should ALL be inside the Ajax Container.

    If you disable Ajax, does it work? If it then does, then it is as I said above that is the issue.


    Thank you for replying.

    It was not an Ajax problem. ( I disabled it , checked the container , still not working.)

    I disabled another plugin suspected of interfering but still not working.

    Finally, I delete the plugin, reverted template file to the previous version ( where the plugin stopped working at first ) , then reinstall it, then it worked.

    I’m not sure when the bug was fixed… I changed the setting too much so they cached wrong data or something…?
    Anyway, thank you.


    This is resolved now?


    Yes, thanks.

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