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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Date range picker for ACF field

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  • Massimo

    I correctly set the ACF field date format to Ymd which stores dates in yyyymmdd format in meta_value.

    I added the field in posts fields but, by searching using the date picker, search results are empty. Of course I rebuilt the cache.

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Sorry, before that. Is there a way to dump the query S&F is performing?

    Trevor Moderator

    Our plugin send a list of matching ID’s to the WordPress database, having worked out which posts match the criteria, the the actual final query may not be of much use. It will send a query to our cache tables though. Query Monitor plugin should show you that. To get a breakdown of the actual filters in use, this code (you need to change the ID in this code – 1234 – to that of your form) will dump the array to the screen:

    global $searchandfilter;
    $sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(1234)->current_query()->get_array();
    echo '<pre>',print_r($sf_current_query,true),'</pre>';
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